Rome, here is the staff of the mayor and councillors. Batch of appointments and rush of recertifications – Il Tempo

  Rome, here is the staff of the mayor and councillors.  Batch of appointments and rush of recertifications - Il Tempo
Pier Paolo Philippi

City president, Capitoline councilor and councillor, Lazio region staff, party members. Everything is there in the new batch of appointments launched by the Capitoline Junta last November 26 to fill the staff of Mayor Gualtieri and councillors. These include a large group of former directors and administrators, starting with Antoniulio Pellonzi, the leader of the PD group in the previous council. As was rumored for weeks, he gets a job in the mayor’s office in the role of liaison between departments. An assignment for which he will receive 62,000 euros per year. Dame Emiliano Sciasia and Valerio Barlett, former presidents of municipalities IV and XIV, also belong to the rank of the former. The first has been found in the councilor’s office, the house of public works Ornella Segnini, where he will be in charge of coordinating municipalities for a salary of about 47 thousand euros. Instead Barletta goes to the office of Environment and Waste Councilor Sabrina Alfonsi, where she will be the chief of staff with an annual salary of around 90 thousand euros. Alfonsi also brings with him Anna Vincenzoni, until a few months ago his councilors, at the first town hall, paid him a compensation of more than 57,000 euros. Alfonsi elected Antonella Liardo as head of the Secretariat, formerly in the area in the Secretariat of Albino Ruberti, the former head of Nicola Zingaretti’s cabinet now in the Capitol with the same role.

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Changing departments, the owner of Mobility Eugenio Patna has selected Angela Warner, his colleague in the field at the Public Works Commission, as the Chief of Staff Office. He will earn 67 thousand euros annually. New arrivals also in the offices of Public Works Councilor Ornella Segnini. As a specialist in the traffic sector, for a salary of more than 57 thousand euros, Cancellini hired Ilenia Leoni, an engineer and technical officer appointed by the Lazio region, to command in the Presidency of the Council. Along with him, for equal pay, also executives from Mitt Linda D’Amico, who will deal with the programming of the Jubilee Fund and the PNR Fund. Jacopo Maria Emiliani Pescatelli joins the councilor’s staff for productive activities with a salary of 43 thousand euros per year for Monica Lucarelli, the outgoing vice president of the Municipality I. Councilor Andrea Catterci has also been nominated politically for decentralization. It is former councilor Donato Mattei with responsibility for the participation of Municipality VIII. He will take care of external institutional relations for 60 thousand euros per year. New arrivals that have been added in the last 19 November such as former Capitoline councilor PD Giulio Bugarini and former President of the Twelfth Municipality Cristina Maltese, respectively the head of the secretariat and the private secretary to the mayor.

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In addition to the bull by the horns, Gualtieri is buried in the rubbish with Rome.

Together with Gualtieri, former member of the Foreign Department of the Democratic Party Ugo Papi (80 thousand euros per year) and Sabrina Cavalcanti, former head of the school of the Democratic Party of the Third Municipality (62 thousand euros). Then Tommaso Sasso, Expression of the Young Democrats (57 thousand euros) and Sandra Bassotti member of the Roman Assembly of the Democratic Party (43 thousand euros). Finally Francesco Panetti, former deputy head of the cabinet of the Minister of South Mara Carfagna, who had replaced him after taking over from Dame Giuseppe Provenzano. He is the new head of the Secretariat of Deputy Mayor Sylvia Skócz, with budget responsibility for a salary of 91 thousand euros per year.

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