South Park fills NFL Stadium with cardboard character cut-outs

South Park fills NFL Stadium with cardboard character cut-outs

South Park Perhaps his hour-epidemic pulled the year’s publicity stunt into a special production.

With the world’s sporting stadiums empty at the moment, the show has done it all to suit the feeling of a live crowd at the NFL game.

In an effort to bring the Denver Broncos Stadium to life and make it look like a whole house, the seats were filled with everyone’s cardboard cut-outs. South Park Character

Even better, every resident of the city follows the epidemic rules by wearing a face mask.

Benjamin AlbrightTwitter

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Images inside the stadium ahead of the Broncos game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were shared by NFL reporter Benjamin Albright, who Tweeted: “In addition to 5700 or more live social distance fans, the entire city of South Park will have a stand in #Broncos today …”

What better way to promote an upcoming hour-long episode of a literally satirical show Epidemic specialIs, which will be broadcast Wednesday 30 September On Comedy Central.

South Park

Benjamin AlbrightTwitter

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In particular he will see that Stan’s father Randy will earn the city’s ever-increasing demand for weeds as he “comes up with the role of the Covid-19 outbreak.”

Meanwhile, as the children move away from the normal school environment, Cartman is less than happy that remote learning is over and he can no longer sit at home.

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South Park Come Medi Central in the UK, Netflix and now broadcast on TV.

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