Ted Cruz cuts his hair in the Texas salon, whose owner has been arrested

Ted Cruz cuts his hair in the Texas salon, whose owner has been arrested

“Today hairdressers and barbers are open in Texas. I just cut my hair for the first time in 3 months at the ALa Mode Salon to support Shelley Luther, who was wrongfully imprisoned when she refused to apologize for trying to earn a living. “The Texas Republican said on Twitter on Friday.

“Glad Shelley is out of prison and his business is open!” He added.

On Tuesday, Luther was found with civil and criminal disdain for the Dallas court for ignoring the Texas residence order, which prohibited her from managing her affairs until Friday. She was ordered to serve seven days in prison and pay a $ 500 fine for each day the salon remained open.
“I have hairdressers who are hungry because they prefer to feed their children. So if you think the law is more important than children fed, please go ahead with your decision, but I’m not going to close the salon,” Luther said to the judge in court, refusing to apologize for his decision in order to avoid prison time, according to KTVT affiliate of CNN.

Cruz called the sentence “mad” and Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, said that “Texans in prison for non-compliance with executive orders should always be the last option available.”

Luther was taken into custody on Wednesday, but was released from prison on Thursday after a Texas Supreme Court ruling.

President Donald Trump also showed his support for Luther on Friday, telling Fox News that Luther is “an incredible representative for a large group of people who want to do the same thing: they want to get back to work.”

Luther told reporters on Friday that Cruz’s visit is “something I never imagined, adding,” it is overwhelming in style, “according to the KTVT affiliate of CNN.


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