Trump’s reluctance to wear a face mask sends a fatal message (opinion)

Trump takes jab at journalist for wearing mask

The article is the kind of unbridled analysis that goes around the moldy corners of the far right, where all sorts of bizarre, anti-scientific, anti-institution seem to grow like a bacterial culture, defying the immune system of American democracy.

Of course, Trump had to amplify it to his millions of followers.

It mattered little for Trump to comment casually, “so many different points of view!” as if the rales of a far-right pro-Trump publication, claiming that the ongoing pandemic that flooded hospitals in the United States and around the world, quantity to a “pretense that we are in an emergency”.

Once again, Trump straddled urgent public health measures recommended by members of his administration, sending mixed signals for no reasonable purpose.

While the country has split between professional and anti-facemask believers, the President has incredibly emerged as the leader of the anti-government part of the division on adopting a simple measure to slow the pandemic. Refusing to wear a mask is becoming akin to wearing a MAGA hat, a sign of pro-Trump challenge against the establishment, but one that will prolong the crisis, lead to more people dying and make recovery of the economy more difficult.

In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order authorize businesses to deny entry to those who refuse to wear a mask. “You don’t want to wear a mask, all right,” said Cuomo, “but you have no right to enter that shop if that owner doesn’t want you to do it.”
Opponents who wear the mask are painting the problem as a solemn question of freedom. The statement is beyond the absurd. The 19th-century philosopher John Stuart Mill, an apostle of individual freedom, wrote in his famous On the essay Liberty, “The only purpose for which power can legitimately be exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.”

Wearing masks to prevent a deadly pathogen from spreading to others is the lightest of requests. As the violations of freedom go, this is an affront only to the most tender of snowflakes – or to the most susceptible to lies.

This is not the America I want to pass on to my children

By using his megaphone not to call the country to unity and resolution, but to dilute urgent calls from public health experts, Trump not only helps undermine confidence in the government, but also makes people more reluctant to follow the advice of those who, unlike him, and the authors of most conspiracy theories involving face masks, have dedicated their lives to learning how to stop disease.

Over the weekend, a beachgoer told CNN’s Gary Tuchman that if Trump isn’t wearing a mask, neither will he. If he had watched Fox News instead of on the beach, he could have heard dr. Debra Birx, of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, explained that “there is clear scientific evidence,” from multiple experiments, “that a mask prevents droplets from reaching others.”
He claims that face masks do not offer protection against small organisms such as coronavirus false.
On Wednesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s leading infectious disease specialist, pleaded with Americans to wear face masks when they go out. The masks, he told CNN, are not 100% effective, but they help us protect the people around us. They show, he said, “respect for another person.”
Twitter can't do anything about who Trump is, but this group can't
Trump is adamant that he is not seen wearing a mask. He disparaged a White House reporter for refusing to take off during a press conference on Tuesday, saying he was choosing to be “politically correct.” It also has retweeted mockery of former Vice President Joe Biden after wearing a mask in his first public appearance since March last Monday. Biden called Trump “an absolute fool” for not wearing one, saying “presidents should drive, not engage in madness and be falsely male.”

Why in the world is Trump pushing Americans not to take a simple precaution? His drive to reopen businesses without reaching security positions can at least be explained as an effort to revive the economy. But masks? His influence there will only cause more deaths, probably hitting his supporters more than others and countering his efforts to bring the country back to normal.

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Trump is once again positioning himself as anger, the rebel against the system, even though it is now the system. He is resuming his role in 2016 as a provocative, anti-establishment, politically incorrect character. This time, however, he is working against his own interests. Trump supporters may feel energetic to wear a MAGA hat and push against those who wear masks, but most Americans don’t want to get sick, let alone die.

With more than 101,000 people already died of Covid-19 in the country, most Americans think Trump should wear a mask. They would prefer to feel safe than to follow the advice of a man whose crisis management they believe was a failure.


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