United’s myth has aging dementia Series of cases plaguing football

Older people have dementia in the United Myth. The series of cases plaguing football: The perplexing reason (Friday 20 August 2021)
affected by Madness old man: heartless diagnosis for Dennis Law, is one of the stars of football European and the world of the sixties. Former Scottish Manchester striker United, 81, wanted to announce it personally, along with a moving letter sent to fans and admirers: “I understand what’s going on and so I want to face my situation for as long as I can. I am capable, because I know there will be days I can’t understand and I hate the idea. Don’t be sad for me, I’m lucky to have everything I’ve done in my life”. The most disturbing fact is that the law…read up on librocottidiano


Diunavolta1 :@Nicolet84520681 Maybe before they fooled us with the myth of the yuppie. – acino2020 :RT @legalizzas: What????? Don’t they have a green fluorescent halo around them? … a myth breaks down. ‘Maybe Abi’s couple’s habit…’ TovarishM5S :RT @Redazione_ROARS : @MariuzzoAndrea @GBertaiola @ilcontealmaviva @Abravanel is a myth. To tarnish the cultural backwardness of Italy… – _kubal_ :RT @Redazione_ROARS : @MariuzzoAndrea @GBertaiola @ilcontealmaviva @Abravanel is a myth. To tarnish the cultural backwardness of Italy… – marioricciard18 :RT @Redazione_ROARS : @MariuzzoAndrea @GBertaiola @ilcontealmaviva @Abravanel is a myth. To tarnish the cultural backwardness of Italy… –

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