What you need to know about the coronavirus on Friday 22 May

The machines helping hospitals fight coronavirus

“Right now, if you’re coming to Montgomery and need an ICU bed, you’re in trouble,” said the city mayor, Steven Reed. “If you come from Central Alabama and need an ICU bed, you may not be able to get one.”

The image is a harsh reminder of how extensive hospitals are in the United States and serves as a warning that health systems could loosen if states reopened too quickly and triggered a substantial second wave of infections.

But President Donald Trump is adamant about restarting the country. On a tour of a Ford factory in Michigan on Thursday – where he refused to wear a mask on the camera – Trump has laid bare his strategy of becoming the voice of “forgotten Americans” again, who now face the worst economic crisis in nearly a century, Stephen Collinson He writes.

“A permanent blockade is not a strategy for a healthy state or a healthy country. To protect the health of our people we must have a functioning economy,” said Trump.

You asked. We have replied.

Q. Can UV light kill coronavirus?

While some UV light devices are used for hospital disinfection, UV light kills germs only under very specific conditions, including certain irradiation dosages and exposure times, said the World Health Organization. But UV light can also harm the body.

Two factors are needed to destroy a virus: UV light and intensity. If the light is bright enough to break a virus in a short time, it will be dangerous for people, said Donald Milton, a professor at the University of Maryland. UVA and UVB light both damage the skin. UVC light is safer for the skin, but will damage soft tissues such as the eyes.

Submit your questions here. Are you a healthcare professional who fights Covid-19? Send us a message on WhatsApp about the challenges you are facing: +1 347-322-0415.


The United States injects over $ 1 billion into the Oxford vaccine offering

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The United States has decided to invest up to $ 1.2 billion in the British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, which works with the University of Oxford to develop a vaccine. Funding will be used as the trial advances to new stages, which increase the number and broaden the age group of people receiving the trial vaccine.

AstraZeneca said Thursday that it expected to make “at least 400 million doses and has so far ensured total production capacity for a billion doses”. The CEO told Julia Chatterly US government investment is a gamble, but it is worth the risk.

China has not set a growth target for the first time in decades

China will not set a specific target for GDP this year because of the “great uncertainty” that the pandemic has led to the world’s second largest economy, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang said. The coronavirus has dealt a severe blow to the country’s economy, with a 6.8% drop in GDP in the first quarter, the first contraction that Beijing has reported since 1976.

Comments were made at the annual National People’s Congress of China, where President Xi Jinping was seen, with other leaders, without a mask. Members of China’s top legislature were tested before the event, officials say.

The results of the Swedish “herd immunity” approach are available

Sweden has revealed that despite taking more relaxed measures to control the coronavirus, only 7.3% of people in its capital Stockholm had developed antibodies against the disease in late April. The figure is roughly similar to other countries that have data and well below the 70-90% needed to create “herd immunity” in a population.

The country’s leading epidemiologist said, however, that the number “fits quite well with the models we have” and was only slightly below the projections. Sweden has adopted a different strategy than other European nations, choosing to avoid a blockade and keep most schools, restaurants, salons and bars open, emphasizing personal responsibility for imposing strict restrictions.

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Gravediggers climb while Brazil’s death toll exceeds 20,000

Brazil recorded another record of daily deaths, reporting a total toll of 20,047 on Thursday. The spike in cases and deaths there – as well as in Mexico – has raised concerns that Latin America may soon become the new epicenter of the pandemic.
Nick Paton Walsh entered the Emilio Ribas hospital in São Paulo, The largest city in Brazil and its financial capital, where doctors and nurses are struggling to treat the number of patients arriving. The city’s graveyards ran to dig new graves fast enough for the influx of bodies.

Savior or strong man? Millennial President of El Salvador

While there are concerns about the virus in Latin America, El Salvador and its millennial president have reversed the trend, Patrick Oppmann writes. Some Salvadorans praise Nayib Bukele, 38, for taking decisive steps – locking up the country before he even had a single coronavirus case – while others say he has become a strong man who is violating the constitution.


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The pandemic has affected meat supplies in some countries, so why not eat less meat? Take a page from the books of India, Indonesia, Ethiopia and Nigeria, where cooks could teach us a thing or two, since they have eaten without chips for hundreds or even thousands of years.

If you’re used to eating a lot of meat, Ethiopian-Swedish chef Marcus Samuelsson says he tries to eat less meat at first, rather than going for cold turkey, so to speak. “I would go 50/50 for two weeks and then I would go 60/40 and then 80/20,” he added. “I would facilitate it.” Read here for tips on how to make your vegetarian meals delicious.


“The human race never reaches as much as when our shoulders are against the wall.” – Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN chief medical correspondent

Graduates across the United States listened to virtual start speeches from celebrities to former presidents. In this episode, dr. Sanjay Gupta gives his advice on how to go out into the world, find a purpose and lead the way. Listen now.


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