Will Smith and Jada Pinkett split? The first details of the divorce are revealed

 Will Smith and Jada Pinkett split?  The first details of the divorce are revealed

When the current generation of football players are asked to name the player they like to play with, most of them choose either Ronaldo Nazario or Ronaldinho. However, this was not the case with Cristiano Ronaldo.

For a long time, in a dynamic with SOCCER.COM, Manchester United 7 was asked to name a legend (considering the entire history of football) with whom it would have liked to share a team. And although he made it clear it was a very complicated decision, he picked one of the leading scorers of all time.

For what he has done for his country, his heritage and the bond he has always had with the Portugal national team, El Bicho has named the perennial Eusebio as his dream attacking partner.

“If you could play any football player throughout the history of the game, who would it be?”That’s what he asked in a video (2019) on SOCCER.COM channel.

And the all-time top scorer in professional football answered simply: “It’s a very tough question. In my mind, I have many players I would have loved to play with, but I’ll name one player from my country: Eusebio.

“He is one of Portugal’s sons and I would have loved to play with him because he is Portuguese and he was an incredible person. He passed away a few years ago, but I would have loved to play for the national team with him.,

Both are Ballon d’Or winners, both have received the Golden Boot, both are historic bosses of the Portuguese national team, both have the European Cup in their honor and both add more than 1,300 official goals at absolute level. Eusebio with Cristiano Ronaldo would have been an outrage for any defense.

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