Youth of the European Free Alliance in Friuli

Youth of the European Free Alliance in Friuli

The young autonomists of EFAY – European Free Alliance Youth, the youth group of EFA / ALE – European Free Alliance / European Free Alliance, of which the youth group of Pact for Autonomy is also part of it, is committed to making young people aware of this. To promote respect for the diversity and cultural and linguistic richness of Europe, environmental sustainability and gender equality.

“We breathed an atmosphere of overcoming stereotypes and prejudices and sharing a desire for change,” explains Gabriele Violino, contact person for the youth group of the Pact for Autonomy.

For Scotland, Catalonia, Galicia, the Valencian Countries, Alsace, Denmark and Italy the young people of Valle d’Aosta and Sicily, in addition to the Friulian group, conclude their last international appointment for 2022 in Tomba di Mereto where they will sign autonomy agreements. who, for the occasion, brought together members and sympathizers of the Movement to meet and share on the activities undertaken during the year, both inside and outside the Regional Council. In view of the upcoming regional and municipal elections in Udine. Among the topics discussed was the issue of gender equality, on which an important meeting was held a few days ago in Brussels and was attended by Deputy Secretaries Rosella Malisson and Stefania Garlatti-Costa, representing the accord for autonomy.

“Our goal is to create an alternative to those who are currently in government in the municipality and region of Udine”, explains secretary of the Pact for Autonomy and leader of the group in the regional council Massimo Moretuzzo, who also described great doubts. Regarding the budget maneuvering done for 2023, it will be scrutinized by the Chamber next week. “Available resources are considerable, but there is no defined priority, in fact emergencies are largely neglected in relation to important issues of regional health, world local autonomy and energy transition”.

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