2,000 spectators for Luxembourg-Scotland?

2,000 spectators for Luxembourg-Scotland?

The Luxembourg Football Federation (FLF) would like to host the next friendly match for Roode Levy (against Scotland on 6 June) with supporters. He sent a letter to the Sports Minister to authorize the limited return of the public (25% of the total capacity, i.e. 2,000 spectators) to the Josie Barthel Stadium.

Supporters are waiting for this. (Edit)

“The FLF proposed that each spectator must undergo a rapid antigen test before the meeting and vouch for the perception of the organization and costs of conducting these tests,” she wrote in a statement on Tuesday that ‘also ensured All sanitary measures are respected in Karega force.

“This organization can be seen as the first test for future sporting events in the country”, before many European countries were “in the process of planning the public’s return to the stadiums”.

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