Bassetti in Accordi & Disaccordi (November): “Better transmitted than Omicron because it leads us to herd immunity”

Bassetti in Accordi & Disaccordi (November):

“If we took all omicron we will go towards herd immunity, Yes, as in South Africa, England, Scotland, Northern European countries, where this version is very much in vogue and, for example England, today can boast 98% protection Vaccine or natural disease”. So prof. Matteo BassettiMILF the guest ‘Agreement and Disagreement’, replied to the political dialogue broadcast on Friday at 22.45 November Andrea Scanzi who asked him to take a stand in this regard two opposite scientific fronts About Omicron: “There are people like you who say: after all it might even be “good” that Omicron is, because we all take itTri-vaccination, it doesn’t particularly hurt us, let’s go herd immunity so it somehow speeds up the so called The “endemization” of the virus, And then there are those, such as Professor Galli, who say: ‘Perhaps it was, because that doesn’t mean it is’. So I ask you: You’ve always believed that if we take all, we hope not, but if we all take Omron we’ll go toward that herd immunity, toward that normalization that ultimately leads to whatever gets caught, getting cold, “.” Omicron, undoubtedly, has at least one type not abusive Compared to the ones we’ve seen so far – the expert answered – that is more contagious, but it certainly gives a milder picture, the viral load is low, it does not usually affect the lungs as the original virus did, and it probably remains low overall”. “But how is the situation? Is it better that you broadcast a lot, as they claim in Great Britain, or is it better to cover it up?” asked Luca Somi. “I believe it is broadcast very well, at this time, why there is no way to stop it, We put on mandatory masks, but what happened? The infection has increased tremendously. And today it is likely that if all Italians took the swab, then the percentage positive asymptomatic It will be huge”, concluded the director of the infectious diseases department of San Martino di Genoa.

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