BlackMagic Design unveils 17 new features, improvements to Devinsi’s Resol

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On Monday, BlackMagic Design unveiled the next-generation version of VV Resolution, bringing new features and improvements to the video editing platform.

Davinsy 17 solutions Fairlight Audio Dio introduces 100 new features and 200 improvements, including major updates to the Color Grading Toolset with workstation and Broader user interface upgrades.

In the color editing feature set, Resolution 17 brings new HDR color correction tools; Mesh- and grid-based color warpers; Improved color management and color space awareness tools; And Magic Mask automatic tomatic object budget isolation, powered by Devinsy’s Neural Engine.

Audio Dio-focused upgrades include reference keyboard- and mouse-sensitive tools; New Firllight Audio Dio Core that can support 2,000 tracks and auto toe load balancing; Automatic detection for beats, words and sound effects; And new Flexbus architecture for audio dio routing capabilities.

There are also significant changes to the system’s general UI, including new tools and capabilities on cut and edit pages. According to BlackMagic Design, the new version has “thousands” of minor improvements.

Davinsi also supports growing files in the resolution media pool; Frame based metadata for BRAW, ARI, RED, Sony and EXR; And new workflow integration and third party encoder API. In Davinsi Resolution 17, the free version also adds new multi-user call boration ration tools that were previously only available at Devinsy Resolution Studios.

“This is a big update and includes new technology and features for color artists, audio engineers, editors and visual effects artists,” said Grant Petty, CEO of Blackmagic Design.


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