Budgie 10.6: Linux desktop gets reboots and more stability

Budgie 10.6: Linux-Desktop erhält Reboot und mehr Konsistenz

free desktop environment rangWhich has been very close to the Linux distribution so far secluded was aligned, with version 10.6 under a new flag “reboot” which leads to a consistent user interface in the first phase, which specifically seeks to persuade through adaptability and information.

Optimization and information flow in focus

Budgie 10.6 “Budgies of Budgies” It is the first release of Free Desktop, an open source project launched in 2014, developed by “Budgie Desktop” First and foremost by the new development team behind and new and very consistent themes. As amended notification center.

Budgie 10.6: Start Menu (left) and Notification Center (right) (Image: Friends of Budgie)

The new messaging system is no longer part of Raven PanelBut an independent application, which can also access the taskbar and hold information for the user.

However, Budgie 10.6 does not yet use the new option, instead focusing on the stability of the user interface, which is only intended to be an early sign for further development.

  • Highlight
    • theming refinement
    • new notification system
    • code improvement
  • improvement
    • Use of tabs instead of spaces, general re-formatting of some code.
    • Reproduce support for GNOME 40 to enable Ubuntu LTS support.
    • Fixes for expanding Raven thumbnails causing Raven to resize.
    • GNOME Control Center has been renamed to Budgie Control Center.

Budgie Desktop 10.6 Release Notes

In addition, the new project is set up in such a way that the so-called “downstream”, such as Ubuntu Budgie, can more easily participate in the development of free desktops. The refreshed UX design also introduces another new feature compared to Budgie 10.5.

New: Grouping of Applications

New: Grouping of Applications

Budgie 10.5.3 Budgie 10.6

Budgie 10.5.3 Budgie 10.6

In addition to the user interface and notification system, which will continue to be improved in the future, the new development team has committed itself to a new major goal.

Buggy means to be distilled

The desktop environment itself and its upstream will in the future be based on the following packages:

  • Budgie Desktop 10.6+
  • Budgie Desktop View 1.2+
  • Budgie Control Center 1.0.0+

on this basis, “New” Budgie follows a minimalist approach of providing only a set of extremely closely linked components and leaving the rest of the platform or ecosystem to the distributor or end user.

Solus developer bears the main responsibility

Joshua Stroble, the developer previously responsible for Solus along with Icky Doherty and others, has primary responsibility for the Budgie development team’s friends. More information is provided by project page On the GitHub Developer Platform.

Budgie’s friends consider the Budgie Desktop to be a platform, not a product. Budgie Desktop distributors and users should not feel that their choice of theme, application or default style conflicts with the goals of the project.

friends of budgie

YouTube channel specializing in Linux “9to5linux“Introduces the new desktop and its feature set and thus provides related impressions.

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