Cyclists outnumber motorists on main roads


Cyclists outnumber motorists on some UK roads, including major London roads, according to an analysis of 2020 data from the Department for Transport. cyclists represent approx.87% on the streets of lambeth road and about81% Their Royal Mint Street in the city of London.

There are four other places in the capital where cyclists go, with percentage 55% to 63%, they are in greater numbers than motorists. Bicycle users account for the majority of cars and taxis in 35 other UK locations as well.

It’s no surprise, in fact, that bikes get a lot of attention when it comes to the environment, said Duncan Dollymore, head of Cycling UK. Another element to consider is the fact that the above roads are well served by cycle paths which also include protected spaces for cyclists. This confirms that, in a UK city, e.g. Londra, Glasgow and CardiffWhen cyclists are protected, there is a great desire to pedal.

The idea is based on what the pandemic showed when roads were clear for traffic: the UK is made up of nations of aspiring cyclists. With upcoming council elections in England, Scotland and Wales and national elections in Northern Ireland in May, there is a real opportunity for politicians to show that the British people need to make roads safer for the people.

Getting more people to travel by bike, especially for shorter trips, is possible, but requires planning and investment by national and local governments. The first steps in this direction seem already planned. In fact, according to rumours, the Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, will soon announce a £338 million plan this month for low-traffic neighbourhoods, protected cycle paths and the implementation of the“Outside London.

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