Date, time, importance, India visibility details and all you need to know

Date, time, importance, India visibility details and all you need to know
Solar Eclipse 2020 or the last solar eclipse may not appear in India but people are waiting to catch it live on NASA’s web link.

A solar eclipse usually occurs when a part of the earth is overshadowed by the moon, which completely or partially blocks sunlight. This happens when the sun, moon and earth are aligned. Such an arrangement coincides with the new moon indicating that the lunar eclipse is closest to the plane.

Eclipse is a natural phenomenon. However, in some ancient and modern cultures, solar eclipses are attributed to supernatural causes or are considered bad omens. A total solar eclipse can be terrifying for those who are unaware of its astronomical description, as the sun disappears during the day and the sky turns black in a few minutes.

Date and time of solar eclipse
The last solar eclipse of the year will take place on December 14th.

Solar Eclipse 2020 will begin at 07:03 pm and conclude at 12:23 pm. The last solar eclipse will be for about five hours.


Every year, there are only 2 to 5 solar eclipses, and what is significant here is that each one appears for a limited time. Most calendar years have only 2 solar eclipses. And, the maximum number of solar eclipses that can occur in the same year is 5, but this is a very rare sight.

India Visibility Details

This news may disappoint you but Saturday’s solar eclipse will not appear in India and if you still want to see it, you can catch it live on the internet.

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You need to know about it

This year, this magnificent view will be seen in some cities in Chile and Argentina such as Temuco, Villarrea, Sierra Colorado. The partial eclipse will be visible from the Pacific Ocean, Antarctica and the southern part of South America.


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