earthquake | Tremor: What are free apps and how to download that alert you before it happens? , Application | Natural Calamities | technology | earthquake | Smartphone | Revtali | , answer

  earthquake |  Tremor: What are free apps and how to download that alert you before it happens?  ,  Application |  Natural Calamities |  technology |  earthquake |  Smartphone |  Revtali |  ,  answer

to be aware of someone , there is always the possibility to be aware of international reports given by the institutions and authorities in charge of the issue. However, with the progress of Now you will be able to know whether earthquake will happen in the place where you are using your smartphone. To be able to do this, all you need to do is download an application to your cell phone.

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how does it work?

The app lets you know in which area an earthquake will occur with up to 2 seconds in advance (even earlier). In addition, the cell phone will send you a certain alert or notification, whether it is sound or vibration, so that you can evacuate quickly.

what’s it called?

You can find it on Google Play by the name ofand prepared by the UC Berkeley Seismology Laboratory. “The alert takes only a few seconds,” said Richard Allen, a professor in the Seismology Laboratory at the University of California at Berkeley.

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Allen continued: “Based on what social scientists have said about earthquakes, if everyone got down to one concrete table, it could reduce the number of people injured in an earthquake by 50%.” It is worth noting that this app is also available for those who have an iPhone in the Apple Store.

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What other applications can I download to prevent jerking?

earthquake detector

It can be downloaded for free from Google Store. This application works by notifying you 2 seconds in advance, via sound or vibration, that there will be a tremor very close to where you are. This will ensure that the earthquake doesn’t take you by surprise and that you can proceed very carefully.

Peru earthquake

Peru’s Geophysical Institute (IGP) launched , an application that gives you the details of the epicenter of the earthquake. Like the rest of the apps, this one too will help you to be careful.


NERV tells you if there will be a tsunami warning. Although its name is very similar to that of the company from anime Evangelion, it is nothing more than a disaster prevention application from Japan Special Agency.

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