FIFA Foundation’s partnership with UPL provides practical support for climate protection

FIFA Foundation's partnership with UPL provides practical support for climate protection

3. November 2021

While world leaders are gathering at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Scotland, a partnership between the FIFA Foundation and UPL Ltd. Football’s current commitment to promoting sustainable development is in line with the goals of the UNFCCC’s Climate Action Plan for Sport (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change).

“In 2020, the FIFA Foundation teamed up with UPL Ltd. to address some of the challenges related to sustainable development in agriculture. Partners use football as a platform to raise awareness of important social and environmental issues. ,” said Yuri Jorkeff, CEO of the FIFA Foundation. “The program aims to reduce CO2 emissions by at least one gigatonne – 10 percent of the international obligation – so that global warming remains below 1.5 °C by 2040. In addition, the program will help smallholders develop markets for sustainable reward agricultural practices. such as efficient water use.”

“About programs like football for schools The FIFA Foundation seeks to work with the international community to create a safe climate future for our communities and the environment through sustainable development and advocacy,” said FIFA Foundation President Mauricio Macri. Football has that power – a power we want to use for the benefit of future generations. We are committed to showing that sustainable development and environmental protection can have a positive impact. At the same time we want to educate the youth and make it clear to them that even a healthy and active lifestyle can have a positive impact on the society.”


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