Gualtieri doubles Rays. Lasts twice as long as the M5S in one year

 Gualtieri doubles Rays.  Lasts twice as long as the M5S in one year

How much has been done by the current administration during these first thirteen months in office? One way to answer this question is to consult the section dedicated to the publication of documents of the Roma Capital website. The Gualtieri Junta produced almost twice as much as the previous Pentastella administration. With significant differences, in quantitative terms, in the activity implemented by individual departments.

because analysis is on resolutions

Beyond the junta’s memos, motions and agenda, analysis should focus on the resolutions, which are more guiding works by the city government team and the Capitoline Assembly, respectively. Because unlike memorandums and motions, which mostly express “will”, resolutions are executive measures that allow concrete intervention in city governance.

Double the resolutions of the ragi public

The first figure that emerges predictably is the vast amount of proposals that have been tabled between the Council and the Capitoline Assembly over the past 13 months. The second difference, in numerical terms, relates to the approval of acts within the current city government team. Returning to the comparison with previous administrations, it emerges that, in the last 13 months, 668 have been approved compared to the 444 proposals of the Raggedy era (counting between those signed by the Council and the Capitoline Assembly). But the most surprising figures relate to those signed by the junta: in fact, 551 resolutions were signed by Gualtieri’s team, while 258 resolutions approved by the Raggi junta were signed. To be another element of comparison, in the Marino era, they always had a few in the middle: 373 additions and 69 resolutions approved by the Assembly, in the first 13 months.

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Dossier – Mayor Gualtieri: fact-checking after one year in office

Most Productive Councilor

As mentioned, however, not all departments produce an equal number of proposals. The difference is actually very clear, even though, in some ways, it reflects the relative proxies nature. The most operational department is linked to the delegation of Maurizio Velocchia: in fact, 68 urban planning proposals have been approved. A little later comes the output of the resolutions made by the Department of Public Works of councilor Ornella Segnalini: in this case there are actually 62. The work done by the Department of Mobility which refers to the Councilorship of Eugenio Patane deserves to be terminated. On the podium, with 48 resolutions. That’s why the three departments together prepared 178 proposals. During Raggi’s administration there were instead 96 (23 divided into urban planning proposals, 45 for public works and 28 for mobility).

intermediate position

Behind the podium, a short distance from Patane, is Susanna Skózes’s budget department, noting that the accounting and economic departments have signed a total of 44 proposals. On the other hand, in an intermediate position, there are proposals signed by the Department of the Environment, which together with Sabrina Alfonsi produce 41 measures in the farmhouse (against 12 proposals from the Raggi era). On a quantitative level, the departments related to culture (34) and commerce (27) follow. In this case it should be noted that, during the first 13 months of the previous administration, 42 resolutions for culture were signed by the then councillor. The councilorship of Miguel Gator therefore comes after that of former Pentastelleto councilor Luca Bergamo.

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Less productive in terms of resolutions signed were the departments associated with Barbara Funari’s social department, with 19 resolutions signed by the department concerned (against 8 by the Raggi administration) and by the Department of Heritage and Housing Policy (against 3 of the Raggi era). . In the latter case, however, the low output of Tobias Zevi’s department is compensated by the many proposals approved with double signatures with other departments. Proposals may actually be signed by two and sometimes even three departments, a factor that should be considered in the overall calculation of the measures listed.

Gualtieri’s report to the city after one year in office

bring up the rear of the giunta

Among the departments that have received less deliberation is Alessandro Onorato (14), who focused on paramount junta briefs (23). However, even in this case, compared to the equivalent Pentasteletto department, the output was high (4 proposals were signed by the Department of Sport, Tourism and Major Events in the first 13 months with Raggi). Gualtieri is assigned the school councilorship to bring up the rear of the council which stops at 11 proposals (curiously this is the same number of council briefs) but which in any case pales in comparison to the number of similar measures implemented in the past. is almost double. 13 months of Pentastelato government (there were 6 resolutions).

A final figure to consider in this quantitative comparison of resolutions produced is that related to the activities of the department of investee companies: it signed 52 resolutions in collaboration with competent departments, compared to 32 during the same period Were. Raggi Administration. In this case also the difference in terms of numbers remains clear.

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