Hockey Quebec: an independent committee to investigate labor relations

Gros plan sur un bâton de hockey et une rondelle sur la glace

The news comes hours after the publication of an investigation by Martin Lecler in which former and current Hockey Quebec employees are reflecting a toxic work climate.

Headquarters CEO Paul Menard and board chairman Yav Sigouin categorically refute the allegations.

As soon as I had the information communicated, I made my board of directors aware of this situation, which we take very seriously, indicated Yave Sigouin in a press release. That is why we immediately decided to set up this committee, which would have all the latitude to meet with employees confidentially, highlight the situation and make recommendations.

This is by no means a call to the director general, Paul Maynard, about our faith and question, and our support for those difficult decisions since the beginning of his mandate.

I would like to thank the Board of Directors for setting up this committee which will allow us to better understand the situation and for which I will cooperate with full transparency., Announces his part to Paul Maynard.

Since my arrival and even more in the context of this epidemic, I have had to make difficult decisions and make significant changes to the federation’s stability and success. This committee will allow us to clarify events, avoid misunderstandings and thus focus on the success of our sport.

Lawyer Michel Fornier will be responsible for the investigation, the federation specified in its press release. It is difficult to know whether to appoint Mr. Fournier as head of the committee, Hockey Quebec did not respond to our interview request on Tuesday.

This ambiguity is, at the moment, an illusion as to the committee’s actual independence. Earlier today, the Liberal MP for Marquette Enrico Ciccone emphasized the importance of avoiding confusion.

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There is only one definition of freedom. There should be no chance of conflict of interestThe deputy argued.

Caution on LHMAAAQ

For its part, the Quebec Midgate AAA Hockey League (LHMAAAQ) confirms that it has expanded its campus after receiving a call from hockey union CEO Paul Maynard, who was concerned about the physical proximity of the offices of the two organizations. Have decided to move.

In September, I received a call from Minire asking me to change the location of the Migrate AAA in the Hockey Quebec offices, with the excuse that we would hear what was happening in the meeting room that was not far away and was not. People must have saidExplained, League President Yannick Levesque.

After checking with my staff, this was not the case. I found it a bit strange to receive this call. To avoid any conflict or disagreement, I called the board of governors and we decided to move out of the building., He elaborated.

The President knew that It stirred Headquarters were not surprised by further allegations between staff and management Listened to, But he specifies that Don’t need The seller on daily basis. I would be in the wrong place, it would be dishonest to pass judgment on it.

Mr. Levesque assured that he got on well with Mme. Maynard and Sigouin, without necessarily sharing their philosophies as inherited from private enterprise, and in recent months as evidence of the negotiation of a memorandum of understanding between the two organizations, took place without major impediment.

It tickles me a bit, but it’s not mine. This is their way of management, He guessed.

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Quebec gets involved

The political class was quick to react in the morning and intended to get to the bottom of things in this file.

I was very surprised when I read Martin Lecler’s article this morning about the current state of Hockey Quebec. Obviously, verification will be done in relation to the allegations leveled against the management of Hockey Quebec., Isabel Charest, Minister of Education, writes on her social network.

I am committed to the development of sports in Quebec. This requires passionate and dedicated activists, who work in Hockey Quebec. These people should be able to grow in a healthy climate in which they enjoy working. We will ask the necessary questions and get the necessary clarification to shed light on this issue., Completion of Ministerial Chart.

If there is a problem at the top of the pyramid, obviously it will happen again, it will descend to the level of our youth. So for me, this is a matter of concern, and that’s why it is important to solve the problem quickly, Marquette Liberal MP Enrico Ciscoan told Radio-Canada Sports.

The board of directors asked Mr. Menard to manage it business, It makes me a little nervous to listen, honestly, because for me, we don’t business In sports, especially in amateur sports. we does not business With player development, whether in hockey, baseball or anywhere else, Adds former professional hockey player.

(With information from Alexandre Gescon)


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