Ing leaked information and espionage ‘; Open protests after Google’s revelations | DuckDuckGo accused Google of spying on users through data collection

  Ing leaked information and espionage ';  Open protests after Google's revelations |  DuckDuckGo accused Google of spying on users through data collection

Apple’s privacy policy for the App Store is widely acclaimed worldwide. They ordered apps in the App Store that they were collecting and tracking user information.

Tech giant Google was initially reluctant to follow privacy policies, but eventually gave up after a delay of more than two months. Google describes what information it collects from users by providing updates to the Google app and the Chrome browser. Google states that it collects user information and associates it with a user profile to make the product more personalized. To that end, Google collects important information such as location history, user audio data, contact information, device information used, browsing history and financial information and conducts studies including payments made through the app.

But after the shocking revelations of the search engine giant, Google’s main rival, Duck Duck Go, has come out against them. Duck Duck Go, a web browser created keeping users’ personal information in mind, has repeatedly attacked Google on the same issue.

They allege that Google is spying on people. Duck Duck Go reacted to Twitter by sharing screenshots revealing information gathered from users of the Google app and Chrome browser. ‘After months of stagnation, Google has finally revealed how much personal data is being collected through Chrome and the Google app. No wonder they wanted to hide it. There is no need to spy on users to create a great web browser or search engine. We know that. (Our application is both in one). -Duck Duck Go tweeted.

Not only is Google the leader behind Apple’s new policies, but major apps such as Amazon and Facebook (WhatsApp, Instagram) are also gathering information on a large scale. You can find out how much information they all leak by visiting the App Store and looking at the ‘App Privacy’ of each app.

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