NS. Deconfinement in: Nursing home residents remain “prisoners”. COVID-19 in the Atlantic

Celeste LeBlanc, 88, has been living at Metaghan’s Villa Acadian home since last February. During the imprisonment, only his daughter was allowed to visit him.

Now that Nova Scotia enters the second phase of its deconfinement, those close to Celeste LeBlanc are eager to see her again.

last time i was there they let me hold her [dans mes bras]remembers her daughter-in-law, Anne LeBlanc, who is also the Connectanes project coordinator at the Regroup des Annes de la Nouvelle-Ecosay.

However, if Phase 2 of the deconfinement allows residents of long-term care facilities to go out for a walk, it does not yet allow them to receive relatives inside or visit their families in a closed space. This last restriction will only be lifted during Phase 4, which is due on July 14 at the earliest.

We heard a lot of comments that residents felt trapped.

A quote from:Anne LeBlanc, Coordinator of the ConnectAness Project of the Regroupment des Aenes de la Nouvelle-Ecosay

Anne LeBlanc could at least take her stepmother for a drive if she wanted.

Anne LeBlanc says there is a need to encourage her mother-in-law by meeting people and participating in activities.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Janic LeBlanc

I could go pick up my stepmother and take her to eat ice cream [et aller voir] beautiful flower. This is a woman who planted a lot of flowers, she says.

However, according to Step 2 of the deconfinement, only a designated caregiver, in this case Ms. LeBlanc’s daughter, may transport the resident.

understanding of families

Ashley Ward, whose father has been in a long-term care center since the start of the pandemic, believes the province is not making it necessary for residents to see their families as their priorities.

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I feel like I am going to visit some prisoner. how does this work [mon père] Speaks. He is not allowed to go out, even to bear the cost of eating out, he is angry.

Why was my father allowed to go to the park, but not to my house, when we both received both doses of the vaccine?

A quote from:ashley ward

To Ellen Ruderham-Gaudet, co-chair of Nova Scotian’s Coalition for Long-Term Care Reform, We should do better.

For example, Anne LeBlanc suggests that areas that have no cases of COVID-19, as in the municipality of Clare, benefit from lifting restrictions as soon as possible.

Dr. Strang stuck to his decision

On Tuesday, Nova Scotia’s chief medical officer of health, Robert Strang, acknowledged the lockdown was a burden on nursing home residents and their loved ones. However, he stuck to the deconfinement plan.

It may sound slow, but every step brings us closer to a summer we’ll spend together and in safety, he assured.

With information from Felicia Chandler, CBC


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