Russian develops a program that enables an “Android” system to access “clubhouse” applications

Russian develops a program that enables an

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In just one day, Russian developer Grigory Kleshenkov succeeded in developing a program that allows Android users to access the Clubhouse application after the monopoly of the iOS system.

Kleshenkov published the program on the largest web service to host and develop IT projects, commenting on his Twitter page: “I am tired of waiting for access to the Android system. “Club House” So I developed this program in just one day. “

وشد A new app called (Clubhouse) “Clubhouse” has been very popular with users over the past few days, although it has been in existence since March 2020, and requires a special invitation from one of its customers to subscribe, in addition to ( iOS) is available only for all of them, despite the number of users growing rapidly, and the number of invitations has increased to the point that some of them are being sold on eBay at great prices.


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