“Scotland’s independence must be a fact

Edinburgh Head of Government: “Johnson is actively eroding the power of our Parliament”

Freedom is “normal” in international politics and it should be for Scotland as well. This was stated by the leader of the Scottish National Party and the head of government of Edinburgh, nicola sturgeonDuring his speech at SNP Congress. “The fact is that freedom is a general condition for countries around the world,” Sturgeon explained. “With all the resources and talent we have at our disposal, I don’t think Scotland’s success can’t match, maybe even surpass Denmark, Norway, Ireland, Austria and many other prosperous independent countries who are all around us”, he said. Sturgeon explained that Scotland’s ambitions for a higher standard of living, solid future jobs, a cleaner environment, better health and sustainable public services are being undermined. “Government boris johnson It is actively eroding the power of our democratically elected Scottish Parliament,” he said.

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