Silicon Valley is in trouble

Silicon Valley is in trouble
meta, google, twitter, microsoft

The US tech giants are in turmoil.

(Photo: Bloomberg [M],

san francisco Brian has had many good years in Silicon Valley. Feather Twitter He was one of the very first employees. He moved from one tech company to another. His salary is in the mid six-figure range. he was asked. But then came the dismissals.

“It’s probably never been more difficult to find a new job in Silicon Valley than it is today,” says Brian. “Tech companies have had a great time in the last two decades. it changes. the party is over.”

Twitter, Meta, sales force, Doordarshan: In recent weeks, Silicon Valley’s big technology companies have regularly announced mass layoffs. Nearly 53,000 jobs were lost in the US technology sector in November alone, according to calculations by investment bank Bernstein.

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