Slow laptop-desktop: Laptop-desktop getting too slow? this way you can fix it yourself


#Kolkata: Many people have this problem that windows laptop or desktop is very slow than normal speed. Experts say that this could be due to malware infection. This problem can be fixed by factory reset. Many people have benefited from choosing this option. How to do this factory reset depends on the version of Windows. This reset option is available in Windows 10, 8 or 7.

Although experts say that before resetting the data must be backed up, otherwise it may be lost.

Windows 10 Factory Reset (Default Method)

Not long ago, this factory reset was a very difficult affair. But with the advent of Windows 8 and 10, it has become much easier, as many options have been given in it. To use this option, first go to Settings from laptop or desktop. From there you have to select the Update and Security and Recovery option. Now the option to Reset PC will appear at the top of the screen. Clicking there will start the reset process.

Windows 10 Factory Reset (Fresh Start, Old Version)

Microsoft is giving factory reset option in another way. This is an older version, called Fresh Start. To start it afresh, first go to the settings of the laptop or desktop. From there you have to select the Update and Security and Recovery option. Click the Learn how to start fresh with a clean install of Windows link. A Windows Security app will open. Where fresh start options can be found. It will work only when there is gate on.

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Reinstall via Windows Installation Media

If one is using Windows 10 or 8 and wants to do a factory reset without going into the settings, it is possible to do so with this installation media. This will allow you to install a fresh copy of Windows on your laptop or desktop.

sophisticated boot

It can also be factory reset from boot. There is an advanced startup menu for this. For this you have to go to the settings from laptop or desktop. From there you have to select the Update and Security and Recovery option. Advanced Startup section. Go there and click on Restart.

This factory reset will solve the problem of laptop slowing down or hanging frequently. There will be no problem in working.


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