Statement by Thodex Coincolic, CEO of Crypto Money Exchange

Statement by Thodex Coincolic, CEO of Crypto Money Exchange

It has been on the agenda for the last 2 days with allegations that it sank and CEO fled the country with $ 2 billion Crypto money The explanation came from the stock exchange Thodex.

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In a statement given on Twitter by CEO Farooq Fatah Twitter, the following important details attracted attention:

“First of all, I would like to say that my company, Coinx Technological A. And many of the claims made about the Thodex platform are unfounded. The Thodex platform, where about 700,000 users are trading, has not victimized anyone to date, and will no longer do so. “

In the mentioned statement about the partnership negotiations, the following expressions were used:

“When financial and digital data were examined simultaneously during the partnership negotiations that had been going on for almost 3 months, it was determined as of last week that there were unusual fluctuations in the company’s accounts. The Thodex platform has been temporarily shut down to determine its causes and sources. While the technical team of our company was doing this research, I went abroad on 19.04.2021 to have a meeting with the investors. Allegations of 391,000 people that I lost 2 billion USD are baseless. ”

Unrelated statements should not be respected

CEO Farooq Fatah Ozar said that users should not rely on baseless statements. Ö Jar has used the following statements in the statement:

“I personally will be returning to Turkey in a few days, I will provide the judicial authorities in highlighting the real work of cooperation and I declare that I will do my best to do everything possible to stop the victims’ users. I do. “


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