Tampon tax, Government reduces VAT on sanitary pads and diapers to 5%. Meloni: “Promoting development, helping the most vulnerable and investing in families is our recipe”

 Tampon tax, Government reduces VAT on sanitary pads and diapers to 5%.  Meloni:

Rome, We are moving towards reducing VAT on menstrual pads from 10% to 5%. It’s one of the items involved in the design of budget law These days, approved by the new Meloni government, along with other products like diapers, are still taxed at 22%.

“Proud of the work of this government and a written maneuvers in record time – Announces the President of the Council Georgia Meloni , A bold and sound budget legislation that sees the point and Provides insight into economic priorities, Promote development, help the most vulnerable, Investing in Families, Increasing Social JusticeBetting on the future, supporting our productive fabric: this is our recipe for restoring strength and vision to Italy. Carry on with your head held high.”

The proposal to cut VAT on sanitary pads has been discussed for years, not only in Italy but across Europe. Scotland for example first country in the world to permitfree admission for all women with Term Excise Act, law by which all Schools and other public establishments have been forced to provide menstrual products. who needs it.

On tax cuts, a similar proposal in Italy it was passed in 2019when Conte Sarkar they decided to reduce5% VAT on feminine hygiene products, but only on sanitary pads Fertilizer And biodegradable, while all others remained at 22%. Another step was taken with last year draghi government Which reduced it to 10%.

The agreement has been found to bring down not only sanitary pads but also basic necessities for babies (like diapers, baby bottles, baby food) by 5%.

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