The boss brings back Sleepbuds II to sleep for se 250

The boss brings back Sleepbuds II to sleep for se 250

If you’re having trouble sleeping, Bose has a $ 250 solution for you.

After a year of being Off For battery problems, Bose is Bring back Its wireless sleepbuds. However, these earbuds aren’t meant to compete with Apple’s AirPods or anything like that. As the name suggests, you should wear these on the bed with the goal of making you more comfortable and relaxed than you would be without them.

The Sleepbuds II, which launches on Oct. 6 at $ 250 a year, isn’t like other earbuds on the market – you just can’t connect it to your phone and listen to what you want. Bose has a bunch Other wireless earbuds For that. Instead, Buds connects to 35 free tracks with a special mobile app that will probably immerse you in the world around you and calm your mind so you can sleep. Ideally, you’ll be able to put this on, boot a track, and you’ll fall asleep without making a sound.

Bose noted that Sleepbuds II does not feature active sound cancellation and, instead, relies on the storage of soothing tracks to cover the noise around you while the physical seal on earbuds theoretically retains little noise. If Bose’s audio dioceses don’t repeat and the battery holds the battery, Sleepbuds II can help you avoid snoring at night.

Finally, Bose says the new Sleepbuds II can last up to 10 hours on a single charge. Significant battery issues hampered the first Sleepbuds last year, so this battery upgrade will be something to look forward to in the new Model Dell.

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Sure, Ai Benjamin for the bedroom who has no use outside the bedroom sounds a lot better, but everyone should have a good night’s sleep.


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