The director of the expelled vaccine files an informant complaint alleging that coronavirus warnings have been ignored

Ousted vaccine director files whistleblower complaint

Bright had led the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority since 2016, when he was reassigned last month to a narrower position at the National Institutes of Health.

In his whistleblowers ‘complaint, Bright says he raised concerns about the United States’ preparation for coronavirus starting in January, but was greeted with “indifference which then turned into hostility” by leaders of the Department of Health and Human Services. .

HHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment from CNN.

His lawyers argue that removing Bright from his office amounts to a violation of the Whistleblower Protection Act, arguing that Bright “has committed himself to numerous cases of protected activity.”

In the complaint, he says that he is trying to be reinstated as a director of BARDA and to ask for a full investigation.

The agency’s brilliant supporters were surprised by his concerns and responded slowly to the outbreak.

He claims that old disputes with HHS leadership were exacerbated by clashes on the coronavirus and that he was ultimately excluded from attending meetings on the virus.

“Dr. Bright urged urgent access to funding, staff and clinical samples, including viruses, which he stressed as all critically necessary to begin the development of life-saving medicines needed in the likely event that the virus spreads outside of Southeast Asia. ” “Secretary Azar and Dr. Kadlec responded with surprise to Dr. Bright’s dire predictions and urgencies.”

Subsequently, Bright claims to have been excluded from critical encounters for raising an early warning about the virus.

“It was obvious that Dr. Bright’s persistent requests for urgent action to respond to the pandemic had caused a” shit storm “and a” confusion “and were not welcome in the office of the HHS secretary,” the complaint said. “As a result, the HHS leadership has excluded Dr. Bright and BARDA from these recurring meetings and critical discussions on tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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