This is how a 32-hour week can work at a startup

Ryzon-CEO Mario Konrad (links) hat unterschätzt, wie viel Arbeit und Umstrukturierung mit der Einführung einer 32-Stunden-Woche einhergeht.

Ryzon CEO Mario Konrad (left) underestimated how much work and restructuring he has to do with the introduction of the 32-hour week.
mario conrad

Working days that are eight, nine or ten hours long – Mario Konrad doesn’t think much of it. He is the CEO of the cologne company and sports brand Raizon. For him, the result after a day’s work is more important than the number of hours worked at the end of the day. Moreover, because they are of the opinion that the time during which a person can work in a concentrated manner is reduced to just a few hours a day. So Konrad decided a year ago to introduce a 32-hour week at his company. However, new challenges have emerged that the founders didn’t anticipate, he says in the Grundershagen interview.

Konrad co-founded sports brand Ryzon in 2016 his brothers Marcus and Fabian Jung, The startup manufactures sportswear. First for triathletes, now exclusively for cyclists. The founding trio have yet to raise venture capital. According to its own statements, Ryzen achieved a mid-single-digit million business last year with sales of its sportswear. The startup employs around 50 people.

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