No GPS can keep up: This navigation app will guide you to your destination with an accuracy of 3 meters

No GPS can keep up: This navigation app will guide you to your destination with an accuracy of 3 meters

“Come on, see you in some. Calm. Flowers”. It’s a sentence that sounds strange—but if you enter this combination of words into the what3words app, you’ll walk into a beautiful green meadow in Aschaffenburg’s Schöntal Park.

What if someone else is already sunbathing in “”? “seins.pfanne.reiter” is only three meters ahead and still has room for picnic blankets.

Three-word combinations sound absurd, but they make for a very sophisticated system for very precise location information. The creators behind What3words have divided the world into 10-by-10-foot sections, each with a unique three-word address.

Convenient for stadium, for beach and for park

In many cases this is quite simple. For example in large, confusing places such as parks, soccer stadiums and shopping centers or even on a wide beach. Each location can be indicated with an accuracy of three meters.

For example, three-word addresses can also be used to describe individual stairs in larger homes. In case of doubt, it is slightly more accurate than the locations sent through the messaging app. Place names are fixed and do not change when roads or houses are rebuilt.

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