There are additional changes to the catastrophe – in two types – soccer

There are additional changes to the catastrophe - in two types - soccer

Concerns in football are life-threatening if the player continues to play with a player and inflicts another severe head injury. “Drug Alert”Second Impact Syndrome“, Which in the worst case can have fatal consequences.

Board of International Football Association Board (IFAB)) Set a test phase on Wednesday (December 16, 2020) that will begin in January – an additional replacement is possible when a fusion is suspected.

After the testing phase, what exactly the actual rule can look like – it will be tested with two variants.

Additional changes with and without compensation for the other team

Two rules:

  • version 1: If a consensus is suspected, an additional change per team is possible, which is not counted towards the original change team.
  • Variant 2: In the above circumstances, two additional substitutions per team are possible. Each time the opposing team gets another change as well. This should compensate for possible game losses and make misuse generally less attractive.

Which version is better and whether the possibility of abuse is justified should be ascertained in the testing phase. The basic idea is clear: “The player has to leave the field in case of doubt”IFAB technical director David Elray said after the meeting.

In addition to the health risks, the problem with the results is that often the diagnosis cannot be made quickly enough while the game is going on. In addition, many symptoms only appear after several hours. “So temporary change was out of the question”Said Ellere. International players’ union FIFpro spoke in favor of the idea in late 2019.

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England wants change to start quickly, DFB and DFL still reluctant

The competition and league can now participate in the Test and choose one of the two. The English Association announced that I.M. Fa cup Additional changes should be tested in the men’s and women’s as well as the first two women’s leagues. According to media reports there too Premier League A majority of the clubs – a meeting of the clubs – is scheduled to take place on Thursday.

The DFB and DFL are still on alert. There one wants to wait for an accurate representation of the first rule. After the IFAB meeting, DFL said that they welcomed the occasion. DFL “Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 will deal with exact specifications and a possible implementation”.

Teams have to decide what to switch – not the referee

Decision on whether the change should be made by the referee due to lack of medical knowledge. A neutral medical man, who considers many essentials in the discussion, cannot also determine the general set of rules, as it should apply in District League D in the Champions League, to both men and women. – and youth team. “We need an approach that works in every league”, Wrote an expert group at IFAB in October.

The main purpose of introducing additional change is to take the pressure off the decision. “The player does not have to think about the fact that he will charge the transfer quota”Said Ellere. The decision to request additional changes from the referee is now with the player’s respective team.

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Five changes: Exception rule extended

The current possibility that teams can substitute five times per game is a temporary exception rule – and is extended to 2022 a year. Jonathan Ford, executive director of the Welsh Federation and current chairman of the IFAB, indicated that it was being seen as a “temporary solution to the coronovirus epidemic”.

Apparently some competitions and associations like the rule so much that they would like to introduce it permanently. National coach Joachim Löw complained loudly when UEFA initially returned to the old regulation with three changes. Meanwhile, UEFA gave in again and allowed five changes.


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