WhatsApp: iPhone and Android have this secret trick available

WhatsApp pachete

WhatsApp is an application used by billions of people across the world, it is present in many people’s iPhone and Android phones, and that is because it offers many great features. All these great features have a secret trick that you didn’t know until now because WhatsApp doesn’t promote it so actively yet, but it probably will because it’s sure to prove popular.

WhatsApp has implemented this functionality without telling people with iPhone and Android phones what they will get, but you can see in the image above that the change is already available to some. Specifically, we’re talking about a new special feature for iPhone and Android that will allow you to share stickers that we can access through WhatsApp, something that users of the platform haven’t seen until now. is not possible for.

WhatsApp: iPhone and Android have this secret trick available

whatsapp resend packet stickers

WhatsApp has implemented the button to share stickers on the right side of the banner through which they are presented to users who have iPhone and Android phones, so we can send them very quickly. In the second picture you can also see what a package of stickers shared with us looks like, and here the link is very important through which we can access it for installation, and that is because it is specially Available to people from WhatsApp.

whatsapp packet got stickers

WhatsApp has now implemented a very useful function for a lot of people, but unfortunately it can also be a way by which a lot of malware can be spread. More likely some people will try to use this system to trick people into installing malware on iPhone and Android, so you have to be very careful about what you get from different people so that your phone Do not risk getting infected by hackers.

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WhatsApp is rolling out this new feature slowly to iPhone and Android at the moment, so if you still don’t see it in your application, you’ll have to be patient until it appears.


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